Convert Images from MB to KB in Seconds

Utilize our "MB to KB converter" for effective image compression from Megabytes to Kilobytes. It provides capabilities for adjusting image dimensions and enforcing a maximum file size limit to ensure compliance with size constraints.

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Allowed Filetypes: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PDF, HEIC

How to convert your Image from MB to KB

  1. Select your image or drop it into the grey area
  2. Select a maximum width or height
  3. Optionally, define a Target filesize in kb
  4. Click Process and Download


What functions does this tool provide?

This "MB to KB converter" enables you to drag and drop your images for resizing, format conversion, and compression.

Is it possible to define a maximum file size for my images?

Absolutely. You have the capability to predetermine your desired maximum file size in kilobytes.

Can I standardize the height or width for multiple images?

Indeed. Remember, this tool retains the original image ratios by default unless otherwise specified.

What image formats are supported by this tool?

Our converter supports a wide range of image formats, providing maximum compatibility and convenience.

Does this tool affect the quality of my images?

We ensure the best possible balance between image quality and file size, striving for high-quality outcomes despite compression.

Is this tool free to use?

Yes, our "MB to KB converter" is free to use, enabling easy and cost-effective image optimization for everyone.


We do not store your images. This tool works 100% directly in Your browser. Your image never even touches our servers.


We optimized everything for you to finish your task as efficient and quickly as possible.

For Free

This tool is completely free for you to use. There is also no limit at all, you can resize as many images as you like!

Specific Resizing tools:

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