Split Image Online

Drag your Image into the grey area. In the instant preview, you will see immediately how your options affect the size of the pieces. Choose vertically, horizontally, or both (Grid). After processing, you will get a ZIP file containing your images.

Drop image into this area


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x pixels



Remove File
Allowed Filetypes: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WebP, Avif

Split Image Online

How to Split Your Image Online

  1. Select your image or drop it into the grey area above
  2. Set the "How to Split" option to "Vertically", "Horizontally", or "Both (Grid)"
  3. Set how you want to define the size of each piece
  4. If you specify the size by "Number of Blocks", the image will be cut into equally sized pieces
  5. Set the number of blocks or the width or height in pixels
  6. Click "Process and Download" to safe your new images

Frequently asked questions about this Image Splitter

Which file formats are supported?

Our tool supports the most common image file formats. You can split images in the following formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WebP, and AVIF.

How can I split an Image in half?

To cut your Image into two pieces, set the number of blocks to "2". This tool will automatically calculate both pieces' width or height.

How can I split an image into tiles for Instagram?

Instagram displays three photos horizontally, so you want to split your images vertically and set the quanity of your blocks to three. If you create a grid, the quanity of the horizontal blocks depends on the height of your Image. You can see the effect immediately in the preview.


We do not store your images. This tool works 100% directly in Your browser. Your image never even touches our servers.


We optimized everything for you to finish your task as efficient and quickly as possible.

For Free

This tool is completely free for you to use. There is also no limit at all, you can resize as many images as you like!

Specific Resizing tools:

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